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2022 Preview

January 6, 2022

If you subscribe to my newsletter you already know the latest and greatest from my writing desk, and that I have 3 new books in 2002.

Stalking Coltons Family is an April release, and available for pre-order now. Don’t miss another installment of the always thrilling Coltons, of which I’ve written several books.

Stranded in the Mountains is an inspirational suspense set in pristine Newfoundland-Labrador, Canada. It was a joy to be able to tell the story of a World War II B-17 pilot who served as a WASP, and was the granddaughter of the heroine. Preorder here.

Lastly, my very first cozy mystery will release in November from Tule Publishing–details soon! For now, know that it involves the quintessential Pennsylvania town, Christmas, and murder. 🙂

A Blessed, Peaceful 2022 to all.



Holiday Books from Geri

November 23, 2021

Bring in the holidays with a Christmas story from my backlist. Some of my favorite books are Christmas and holiday themed. I have several in each of my series!

The Whidbey Island series includes Navy Christmas and the novella Navy Joy in the anthology Coming Home for Christmas. My Silver Valley PD series features Her Christmas Protector, Her Secret Christmas Agent, and Lethal Holiday. a FREE READ on the Harlequin website. A reader favorite and my very first book A Rendezvous to Remember features key Christmas scenes, too.

If you’re a Geri Krotow Newsletter subscriber, you will be treated to special exclusive news in my next newsletter, releasing in early December. Don’t miss it–sign up now.

Happy Holidays!


Stalked in Silver Valley Available Now

September 28, 2021

Stalked in Silver Valley, Book 9 of my  Silver Valley PD Series, is available now. Please join Kit and Luther on their life-threatening mission, where, of course, they fall in love. 🙂 Order now:

Cupboard Maker Books Kindle B&N Nook

If you follow me on Facebook you already know that there was a glitch with the UK version of the Stalked ebook on Kindle. This has been corrected, and will not affect North American orders. To have the latest on my releases and cover reveals, make sure you’re signed up for my site news.

Instagram is where you’ll see more of my day-to-day writing life, including my perennial favorite writing space, my patio.

Thank you for being a loyal reader and please, enjoy Stalked in Silver Valley!



Silver Valley Book 9 Hits Shelves Soon!

August 26, 2021

Stalked in Silver Valley, my ninth book set in Silver Valley, the fictitious town based on where I live in Central Pennsylvania, releases in one month! No need to wait for a sneak peek–check out this excerpt. And the best news? You can pre-order now.

Cupboard Maker Books Kindle B&N Nook

I’m happy to let you know that there’s a lot of reading to look forward to in the coming months from me. To keep up with the important details, sign up for my newsletter. I only release one when I have a book release. Want a quicker, more timely way to keep in touch? Make sure you’re signed up for what you’re reading now, my site news.

As always I adore meeting you on Instagram. where you’ll see behind-the-scenes workings of my author life, any new series I’m working on, and of course my beloved dogs and parrot. You never know when they’ll end up in a book, as our elder canine Misha did on the cover of Navy Rules.

Enjoy these last weeks of summer and read on!



New Look, New Excerpt

July 6, 2021

My website is undergoing some fun changes–because I’m stepping out into a new-to-me subgenre: Cozy Mystery. As one of my loyal readers, you’re probably not surprised. You already know that I always include a solid dose of mystery and suspense in each and everyone of my books. And you’ve all asked me over the years if I’d consider writing mystery. It’s a natural fit for me and I’m so excited for this next chapter in my career! Stay tuned for updates on my first mystery series, arriving in the fall of 2022.

In the meantime, there are many Geri Krotow books to keep your inner sleuth happy. Stalked in Silver Valley releases Sept 28th, and is available for pre-order now. Still on the fence? Read an excerpt. Need to catch up on the Silver Valley PD happenings? Complete your collection now with Incognito Ex, the most recent Silver Valley suspense. Perfect beach reading!

As always, you can purchase signed, print copies of all of my books (that are available) through my local independent bookseller, Cupboard Maker Books.  Call and place your order for Stalked in Silver Valley today!

My newsletter is the best way to know the behind-the-scenes for all of my books (and often, my life), so be sure to sign up.

Enjoy your summer!

Stalked in Silver Valley Cover Reveal!

May 20, 2021

Just for you—the cover to Stalked in Silver Valley,  Silver Valley PD 9, out on September 28th.  The story of former Russian mob wife Kit, it’s a psychological suspense that scared me as I wrote it! And it made me shed joy tears, too, when Kit and Trail Hiker undercover agent Luther realized they were falling in love. Stay tuned for an exclusive excerpt. In the meantime, you can get your copy pre-ordered now, so that you won’t miss one minute of the Silver Valley PD saga!   KINDLE NOOK KOBO PRINT

If you haven’t yet, take a moment to check out how all of my books (30+) are organized–by genre (Romantic Suspense, Women’s Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Historical (WWII) romance) and brand new, by heat level. For example, the Silver Valley PD series is a definite Boat Rocker.

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for my newsletter, and site news. You’ll hear it from me first. Happy reading!

Green Means Go Order a Geri Krotow Book

March 15, 2021

Happy Spring (in the northern hemisphere, anyway).  Happy autumn to those of you south of the equator!

It’s almost time for another newsletter, to celebrate my upcoming release Colton Bullseye . AVAILABLE NOW exclusively at Harlequin  PREORDER now Kindle Amazon  Cupboard Maker Books

Want to know the behind-the-scenes tidbits about how I am so lucky to write in the Coltons series? Want to know all about the next Silver Valley PD release (in August)? Then click on over and sign up for my newsletter.

New to Silver Valley? Here’s an excerpt from the most recent book, Incognito Ex.

Whether you enjoy women’s fiction, contemporary romance, World War II, or romantic suspense, I have a story for you. Enjoy!

Valentine’s Day Update

February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours! Readers like you make every day a celebration of love and HEA.

I am sending out the reviewer copies of my upcoming release Colton Bullseye this week. Are you a reviewer, blogger, podcaster? Send me a note and I’ll make sure you get on my advanced reading list.

The next Silver Valley PD book is out in August, making this a perfect time to get caught up on the series set in a fictionalized version of my hometown. I’ll send pre-order links as soon as they’re available. New to Silver Valley? Here’s an excerpt from the first book, Her Christmas Protector.

Treat yourself to a day, and dare I say, year of love. Whether you enjoy women’s fiction, contemporary romance, World War II, or romantic suspense, I have a story for you. Enjoy!

New Year, New Cover

January 11, 2021

Happy New Year! If you subscribe to my newsletter, you already know I’m sending lots of love, healing and health to you for 2021. And most of all, I’m more determined than ever to continue pursuing a HEA in all of my stories. I encourage you to do all that you can to make our nation and world safe, strong and vital. Vote, write your representatives, pray. And then relax with a good book. We get more accomplished when we’re giving our souls oxygen first.

I’ll have two books out in 2021 (and if more become available you’ll be the first to know if you’re signed up for my site news). First up and available for pre-order now, Colton Bullseye. It was my favorite Colton saga story to write, complete with a serial killer and passionate attraction that leads to…you know it, love and a HEA. Don’t miss this free excerpt.

A new Silver Valley PD story, Book 9, will release in August. Stay tuned!

Remain true to yourself and keep the faith.

