Tag: RWA13

A Little Bit of This, A Little bit of That

Tracy Wolff, Linda Cardillo and Me
Tracy Wolff, Linda Cardillo and Me

Okay, my editor would slay the title for this post–tres cliche! But I promised to share my RWA 2013 experiences. Rather than bore you with a long post and excruciating detail, I think a photo says so much. Take a look at this–Linda Cardillo, Tracy Wolff and I all met when we won Harlequin’s Everlasting Love contest, back in 2006. Lucky us, seven years later, to meet for breakfast at yes, 8 am on Saturday of RWA. I love my writer friends!

Romance Writers of America Atlanta GA 2013

Ann DeFee, Geri and Linda Cardillo
Ann DeFee, Geri and Linda Cardillo

Since 2000 I have attended RWA’s national conference whenever my life and our family’s Navy travels have allowed. The passage of time has never been more evident to me than this year, this day, this moment. Maybe it’s my impending empty nest in just over a year, or my, ahem, maturation process, but I realize that relationships formed over the course of these conferences have become the sparkling diamonds in what is often a tough yet rewarding process.