Publisher: Harlequin Everlasting Love

A Rendezvous to Remember

World War II to Present.

“My dear Melinda, I hate to see you throw away what may be the love of your life…”

Melinda Thompson knew that her grandmother had always adored Nick. But Grammy’s gone now and Melinda’s on the verge of divorce…

When she comes home to her widowed grandfather, Grandpa Jack hands her a leather-bound journal and invites her to look into some family secrets. Grammy’s voice rings out from the journal, begun when she was in her twenties and living in Nazi-occupied Belgium. Breathlessly, Melinda reads the story of a young woman involved in the Resistance and the British airman whose life she saved. The story of passionate love and a wartime promise. One that saw her grandparents, Esmée and Jack, through World War II. And a marriage of more than sixty years. With the example of her grandparents’ lives, Melinda looks for the courage to believe again. In the love of her life.

What Family Means

To Debra Bradley, marriage is being with the man you’ve always loved—despite the odds. Despite what other people think. And marriage is about family, about protecting your children from a sometimes hostile world.

To her husband, Will Bradley, family is about creating a safe haven. Where it doesn’t matter that one of you is white, the other black. Where it’s never mattered…

All these years later Will and Debra are still in love, still each other’s best friend. They’ve made a good life for themselves and their children. But their daughter, Angie—pregnant and estranged from the husband she loves—has to discover for herself what family means….