Tag: Volga River

Now this is Russia!

Steve on the Volga
Steve on the Volga
Our family went to a winter resort north of Moscow this past weekend. Whatever winter activity you dream of doing…cross country skiing, ice skating, cruising the frozen Volga river on a snow mobile–it was all there. But from all of the great activities to chose from, I have to say walking on frozen paths and taking in the spectacular scenery was my favorite way to pass the time. Oh, and the Turkish bath! My newfound quest–can I have a Turkish bath installed in my dream retirement home?

Frozen Volga River
Frozen Volga River
I actually forgot how much I love a sunny winter day. I grew up in Buffalo New York, so I had plenty of winter days, and know what a dazzling effect the sun has on new fallen snow. But I’d forgotten…living in the middle of Moscow, I’ve gotten used to getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible (usually via metro, where the tunnels are so warm and cozy). It’s often overcast and rather gray in the city, as well, which made this sunny weekend all the more invigorating.

As a child I loved the winter–it was hands-down my favorite season after a beautiful autumn in Western New York. But as the years have gone by and I’ve had the privilege of living in sunnier climes, I somehow decided that I don’t like to feel as though I’m freezing.

It’s time to regain my love of winter and enjoy the beauty of a frozen wonderland.

Our Weekend Dacha
Our Weekend Dacha

While I may live thousands of miles from home, I keep in touch by getting the daily weather updates for Annapolis, MD and Buffalo, NY on my email account.  My friends and family on the east coast are taking a major hit right now, with historical back-to-back blizzards and record snowfalls. The most important thing in all of this, as always, is to stay safe and healthy. If you have your health, and it’s safe to go outside, I encourage you to get out and soak in the spirit of winter. It’s beauty is like no other.