Tag: USA Today bestselling author

Karen Rose Smith Is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

USA Today Bestselling Author Karen Rose Smith
USA Today Bestsellng Author Karen Rose Smith

Please join me in welcoming USA Today Bestselling Author Karen Rose Smith! Karen and I are in the same RWA local chapter and she generously agreed to share some of her holiday treats with us.

What do you like to make, bake or create (or purchase!) for the holidays, Karen?

I come from an Italian tradition of cooking and baking, so it was only natural that after I got married and we had our son that I kept up these traditions for Thanksgiving and Christmas. From cookies to pies to filling for cannoli, I enjoy feeding loved ones over the holidays. When we attended a friend’s Thanksgiving dinner last year, I took along two of our favorites—peanut butter pie and pecan pie.

My sleuth in my mystery series creates her own recipes, as does her sister, mom and Nana. My heroines in my romances usually like to cook too. Inventing recipes is something like putting a plot together and I enjoy coming up with original recipes as well as plots for each book. This is one of the recipes I developed just for my readers’ holiday enjoyment. I hope you enjoy it too.

Dessert with Karen
Dessert with Karen


1/2 cup salted butter softened
1/4 cup peanut butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
3 teaspoons vanilla
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 cups flour
1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
6 oz milk chocolate (I use two 3 oz DOVE bars broken into small pieces or chunks. These bars break or cut up easily.)

Preheat oven to 375F

In a mixer, cream softened butter and peanut butter. Mix in brown sugar and granulated sugar until creamed. Add eggs and mix well. Add cinnamon and vanilla. Add baking powder and baking soda. Blend well. Add 2 cups of flour, a quarter cup at a time with mixer on low speed, constantly scrapping bowl. Stir in the other cup of flour, a quarter cup at a time, by hand until completely blended. Stir in chocolate chips and chunks.

Roll into 1 1/2″ balls, place on cookie sheet 2 inches apart and press down slightly with palm of hand. (I usually put 12 on one cookie sheet.)

Bake 11 – 12 minutes until golden brown and set. (The type of cookie sheet you use can affect the baking time. Darker cookie sheets bake faster.)

Remove from the oven and let the cookies sit a minute on a cool surface. Remove from pan.

Recipe makes about 30-36 cookies. Let cool until the chocolate hardens. Unless you eat all of them gooey warm!

Karen’s latest is A Match Made by Baby from Harlequin Special Editon. Check it out here.

Thanks for stopping by today, Karen! Find Karen in the usual places:

Website: http://www.karenrosesmith.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarenRoseSmithBooks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/karenrosesmith

Please help me send books to the military! All you need do is sign up for my newsletter here. That’s it, really. Harlequin is sending 1 book for every 20 new subscriptions. Thank you!

Jessica Scott is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

Author Jessica Scott
USA Today Bestselling Author Jessica Scott

Please join me in welcoming USA Today Bestselling author, Army Officer and Graduate Student  Jessica Scott to our holiday celebration! She’s also one of my dear Romvet sisters.

What do you make, bake, create or purchase for the holidays, Jessica?

For Christmas, I make little mouse cookies. You take chocolate chips and melt them with a little crisco then dip oreo cookies in them. Then you take white chocolate chips and do the same, dipping maraschino cherries in them. Then you add little almond slivers for the ears and paint on eyes and a nose. My kids love them.

Jessica’s latest release is Home for Christmas: A Holiday Duet with JoAnn Ross: http://jessicascott.net/home-for-christmas.html 

Find Jessica at the usual spots:

Website: http://www.jessicascott.net

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jessicascottauthor

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jessicascott09

Remember, you can do your part to send books to the military for the holidays, too. All you have to do is sign up for my newsletter–which I only send out when I have a new book release. That’s it! Sign up here.

Christyne Butler is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

USA Today Bestselling Author Christyne Butler
USA Today Bestselling Author Christyne Butler

Today we welcome USA Today Bestselling Author and sister-Romvet Christyne Butler!

What do you like to make, bake, create or purchase for the holidays, Christyne?

Oh, not much of a baker I fear (in fact, the kitchen is my least favorite place in the house!) but I do love to decorate my home for the holidays. I have a collection of nutcrackers that I put out ever year. Each one has special meaning to me. They are like old friends to come to visit when I unwrap each one and and find a special place for them around the house. And since I celebrate Thanksgiving by putting up my Christmas decorations the day after, I get to spend quite a bit of time with these guys. I have all sorts—from glittery, fancy ones to cowboys, from small ones that sit on my kitchen windowsills to ones almost three feet tall.

Christyne's Military Nutcrackers
Christyne’s Military Nutcrackers



I have a few that I like so much that they stay out all year round, My Red Sox and Uncle Sam Nutcrackers stand guard over one top shelf of a bookcase while my two Navy Nutcrackers are on the other end. Living in New England I am a die hard Red Sox fan (no matter their season might go!) and I am very proud of the five years I served in active duty in the United States Navy.

Red Sox Nutcracker!
Red Sox Nutcracker!

Christyne, Do you have a special military connection?

Yes, I have many military connections! I served in the US Navy from 1987 – 1992, I am married to former Marine, retired US Air Force and my father was retired Air Force so I grew up a military brat. I’m happy to help with this great cause.

Christyne has provided an excerpt from her latest, The Last Chance Maverick, here.

You can find Christyne (and her amazing books) at the usual places:


Website:     http://www.christynebutler.com 

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/christynebutler

Remember, you can do your part to help me send books to the military for the holidays. All you need do is sign up for my newsletter! My publisher, Harlequin, is donating 1 of my new books for every 20 new Geri Krotow Loyal Reader subscribers. Information to sign up is here. Thanks!

Elle James is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

New York Times Best-selling Author Elle James
New York Times Best-selling Author Elle James

Today we welcome New York Times and USA Today best selling author Elle James! Elle and I met through Romvets, and Elle never fails to motivate me to be the very best author I can.  A proud Air Force and Army veteran, Elle is a heroine beyond measure.

What do you make, bake, create or buy for the holidays, Elle?

I like to bake trays of goodies for my neighbors. My favorite goodies on the tray are mini loaves of banana bread, no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies and divinity. I love to bake and rarely do it the rest of the year. At the holidays I’m non-stop! Nothing says family and friends like a tray of homemade treats baked with love and thankfulness.
Do you have a military connection, Elle?

Elle's Latest
Elle’s Latest

I love everything military. My father spent 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, my sister spent 14 years active duty in the U.S. Army and finished her 20 years in the Army National Guard. My brother spent 20 years in the U. S. Air Force, I spent 11 years in the U.S. Army Reserves and 9 years in the U.S. Air Force Reserves and my daugther spent 4 years in the U.S. Air Force. It’s in the family! I appreciate all the sacrifices of our military personnel and their families. It’s a tough life and sacrifice so much, some more than others. These are the men and women who help to protect our freedoms. Nothing makes me more proud than to see a man or woman in uniform and to hear the Star Spangled Banner.

Elle’s latest is Christmas at Thunder Horse Ranch, available at:  Amazon  Nook Kobo

Find Elle at any of the usual places! ELLE JAMES:
Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Newsletter | Amazon Author Page

Remember that you can do your part to support our military during the holidays. Harlequin is donating 1 book for every 20 new subscribers to the Geri Krotow Newsletter/Loyal Reader Program. Sign up for my newsletter here.