Tag: Penn State

NAVY HOPE Chapter Fourteen

Navy Hope

By Geri Krotow

Copyright © 2013 by Harlequin Books S.A.

Chapter Fourteen

Val chose her words carefully. “Kind of—I mean, yes, you were. I dated other boys, went on with my life. But I always wondered…”

“I’m sorry for any hurt I caused you. I wasn’t worthy of you back then, Val.”

“We were both so young.”

She started to walk down the trail, away from where they’d embraced.

“Let’s head back. There’s a lot that needs to be done before our first session at ten.” Professional Val, fearless team leader of BTS, was in charge again.

As they ran down the hill, Val explained that she’d decided to keep the schedule on a timetable more akin to that of a resort or cruise, so the vacation ambience permeated the family’s stay.

“What if they don’t come up with a plan for when they leave?” So far each family he’d worked with had, but he didn’t assume that was always the case.

“That’s okay, too. The point is, we gave them an opportunity to think about their lives away from the identity of being a Gold Star Family. Not to invalidate it in any way, but we try to help them form their own dreams and aspirations.”

“Has it ever been hard for you to let them go at the end of their week?”

“Truly? No. I don’t get as close to them as you and the other counselors do. BTS is set up so that I’m the go-to person for anything they need to facilitate their time here. But I made a point of putting all the right experts in place to handle the various aspects of the retreat. Life-mapping, journaling, motivational speakers, resumes—there are folks more trained in these things than I’ll ever be.” She slowed to a walk in front of the office. The sun was beginning to send a few rays up over the horizon, dissipating the fog they’d left in.

“As I’m sure you’ve already observed, I’m the back-up. If one of the counselors gets sick or takes vacation time, I can step in. But it’s essential that I remain a bit more detached, so that I can support the counseling team.”

“Don’t you miss using your social work skills?”

“Sometimes, but not as much as I thought I would.” A shadow crossed her face. He wanted to whisk it away and bring the sparkle back to her green eyes.

“It was a long haul, losing Chet. Not as hard as it was for Erin or my nephews, of course.” She pursed her lips. “I was burned out from social work when I went to help Erin and the boys. The wall of grief that we all had to push through—watching them go on, day after day— well, let’s just say it was enough to last me a lifetime.”

He was quiet, humbled that she’d shared so much with him, so soon.

You kissed her too soon.

NAVY HOPE Chapter Six

By Geri Krotow

Copyright © 2013 by Harlequin Books S.A.


Chapter Six

He liked the way she tossed her head as though she could wave a wand and make everything easy, no regrets.

Back in college, they’d met in math class, a pre-requisite for both of them as she pursued social work and he was taking a pre-law curriculum. He’d loved teasing her about how much money he was going to make dealing with the world’s problems, while she’d be trying to solve them on a pauper’s pay.

“I read online that you graduated from Penn State, and then went to Catholic University in D.C. for your graduate work. How did you end up here, so far out west?” He was curious but also didn’t think it was fair for her to ask all the questions.

Her eyes narrowed and she bit her lower lip.

Pay dirt.

She was here because of a man. He didn’t see a ring, but a bare hand meant nothing.

“Family circumstances.” She smiled. Professional, smooth and completely impersonal. Yeah, he’d hit a button.


“I’m not trying to spar with you, Lucas. I really did end up here because of family issues, most of which you’ve probably read about on BTS’s website.”

Before he could offer condolences on her brother’s death, she’d regained her composure, and he watched her as she collected several files from her desk and handed them to him.

“Here’s everything you need for the first week. Your client load, information about the island, the ferry schedule and some travel brochures for Whistler and Vancouver. Do you ski?”

“I love to, but I rarely have time anymore.”

She smiled. “I know what you mean. Life gets in the way, doesn’t it?” She pointed at the folder labeled Fun. “You’ll find information on skiing at Whistler in British Columbia, and Mount Baker on the mainland. You’ll need breaks from the work and even the island.”

“I’m used to a very intense work schedule.” Did she really think he’d need a break from a resort?

“Sure you are. But you’re on my team now, and one of my requirements is that you be as relaxed and happy as possible while you’re here. You’ll project that well-being and confidence to our clients, and they deserve nothing less.”

“Got it.” Actually, he did, and he was impressed by Val’s depth of commitment. As the owner and boss of BTS, she certainly called the shots with her staff in a very different way.

This wasn’t going to be anything like Walter Reed.

Starting with the hot woman in the tight white pants. The girl he’d had the most memorable sex of his life with all those years ago.

She’s your boss.

Holy shit.

He needed space. He’d only been here fifteen minutes, and he already had island fever.

More like Val fever.

He tried to focus on something else. His gaze caught on a pair of woman’s running shoes next to Val’s desk.

“You still run?”

“Yes.” No invitation for him to join her, though.

A good run around the island that was going to be his home for the next six months would calm his nerves and get rid of the sensations caused by shaking her hand.



A need he’d rationalized ignoring because he wasn’t “ready” yet.

The truth was that a man in his mid-thirties was pretty much ready at all times. For a physical relationship. But sharing emotional intimacies? Nope, he wasn’t going to pay that price.

Lucas did what he always did when his head warred with his instincts.

He decided to throw himself into his work.

“When do I start?”


NAVY HOPE Chapter Five

By Geri Krotow

Copyright © 2013 by Harlequin Books S.A.

Chapter Five

He looked around the room, and Val imagined it seemed small, insignificant compared to the wards where he’d practiced medicine at Walter Reed. “It’s great to be here.”

“You never became a Navy JAG, after all?” His résumé had only stated that he’d served as a SEAL for five years.

“No, it didn’t work out. When I left Penn State, I had…a family crisis I had to take care of. I couldn’t manage law school that soon after college, so I opted for active duty right away.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” The words slipped out as if she had no control of her mouth. “Never mind,” she added. “It’s history and none of my business.”

“It was your business, and I should have told you—” He looked past her to Maggie. “I’m sure we’ll have a chance to talk about it over the next six months.”

She hadn’t wanted anything to do with a man interested in the military, not after what she’d watched her father go through with his PTSD from Vietnam. As much as it had hurt, she knew way back when they dated that she’d never see their relationship through, not if he was going into the military.

He’d had his life figured out, and that was one of the reasons she’d fallen in love with him. What she lacked in drive and direction, he’d had. What he’d lacked in knowing how to have fun, she’d shown him.

They’d shown each other….

“I’m Maggie, the admin.”

“I’m sorry.” Val wanted to go to her desk and hide behind her computer screen. “Maggie’s my right hand here at BTS.”

“Welcome, Lucas. I have the key to your suite, which I’m happy to say is our most recently remodeled. You have the best of everything, including a gas-insert fireplace.”

“That sounds wonderful.” The way Lucas spoke evoked a sense of warmth and security she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

What was the matter with her? Lucas wasn’t the first handsome man who’d walked into Beyond the Stars. He was, however, the first male counselor she’d employed. Not by choice; it was just a coincidence that the other three counselors were all women who’d been available at the right time.

This had been the right time for Lucas. For a male counselor…

But male didn’t begin to do justice to his aura of self-confidence and obvious physical strength. He had to be six feet tall, well over Val’s five-feet seven inches, and his shoulders seemed wider now, his body more filled out. Gone were the gangly, adolescent limbs. Though still slim, he projected a man’s strength.

His hands—God, his hands! Long, strong fingers she had memories of…

He was perhaps the most attractive man she’d ever met.

She all but ran to the coffee counter in the office corner. “Would you like a coffee or tea?”

“Water’s fine, unless you have green tea?”

“Of course.”

She dropped a capsule into the coffeemaker that doubled as tea brewer.


She jumped and turned when he spoke. He stood directly in front of her. Too close.

Not close enough.

“Water’s in the fridge?” He bent down to the mini-fridge next to her and opened the door. The shelves glistened with their array of diet sodas, half-and-half and a bottle of pure water. He raised his brows and Val knew he was judging the amount of diet soda on the shelves. She wanted to slam the door shut with her foot.

“I have a bit of an addiction.” Why should she explain her love of diet soda to anyone, much less a new hire?

Lucas grabbed the water and stood up.

“That stuff’ll kill you.” He twisted off the top of the plastic bottle and guzzled half of it in three swallows. She couldn’t help noticing the tanned skin of his throat, his face, his hands…

Tanned skin in January. Maybe he’d turned into one of those metrosexual types, used tanning beds.

Not judging from his callused hands and five o’clock shadow.

He’d always liked the outdoors. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes reflected it, too.

She ignored the misplaced elation that he might enjoy the outdoors as much as she did. What difference did it make?

“I exercise and eat well,” she said. “Our bodies detox the bad stuff.”

“Uh-huh.” His gaze captured hers over the tilted water bottle, his bemused expression the same one she’d known so well.

As if some magic door had been opened, Val saw herself walking hand in hand with Lucas across the Penn State campus. In that memory, he’d laughed at something she said and leaned in to kiss her.

She’d thought herself in love with Lucas when she was nineteen. He’d said he loved her, too.

Their chemistry had been undeniable, as unquestionable as their youth.

Their mutual innocence.

“Let me get you some final forms to fill out, and Maggie will walk you to your suite.” She had to put some space between them or she was going to make a huge mistake.

They’d parted after sophomore year, promising they’d write all summer. She’d hardly been able to wait until classes started again. Despite her feelings about getting involved with someone in the military, she’d willingly overlooked the fact that he was so keen on the Navy.

Then he’d vanished into thin air. Only one short note had arrived in her mailbox the second week of her third year, to tell her that he needed to take some time off, that she shouldn’t worry about him, that he was sorry but their relationship wasn’t going to work out.

She hadn’t seen him again—until ten minutes ago.

NAVY HOPE Chapter Two

By Geri Krotow
Copyright © 2013 by Harlequin Books S.A.

Chapter Two

As the boat continued its lurching journey, Lucas focused on Valentina DiPaola, owner and director of Beyond the Stars military family healing retreat, and once his first real girlfriend after high school. They’d been together for an entire semester before he’d had to leave unexpectedly at the end of sophomore year. His family in Philadelphia had shattered, thanks to his father’s drinking and his mother’s nervous breakdown. He was the oldest child and his little sister had needed him to be a steady care provider. His dreams of joining the military had been delayed but he’d managed to finish his degree locally, then serve in Navy Special Forces for a couple of tours before he started medical school.

He’d never told Val what a mess his family was. That wasn’t something he’d been willing to do when he was twenty, and when he’d matured enough to realize he had nothing to be ashamed of, it didn’t matter anymore. She was long out of his life; too much time had passed.

He was grateful that Val hadn’t rejected his application for this counselor’s position. She’d communicated through her assistant from their very first reply to his email inquiry about the open counselor’s job.

He thought she’d nix it when she read his résumé and found out who he was.

But she’d been more concerned that he wasn’t a counselor but in fact a psychiatrist. There’d been a brief flurry of questions about his being overqualified for the position, but when he’d agreed to the full six-month employment period she’d hired him. She’d explained that the six-month term was a benefit to both parties: Beyond the Stars was located on San Juan Island, a remote part of the country accessible only by ferry or airplane. Val knew she couldn’t expect employees to sign on for longer, at least until they’d seen the place. It was beneficial to him as the employee, since he’d be free to leave at the end of six months, which Lucas planned to. The time on San Juan was his respite from what he considered his primary calling.

His specialty was helping war veterans, especially those with PTSD. The six-month leave of absence from his job at Walter Reed was a sabbatical of sorts. He wouldn’t be dealing with vets at Beyond the Stars but instead, the families left behind by those who’d died in the service. The wartime widows, widowers and surviving children.

Gold Star families.

You’ll be working for a woman again.

That was how he’d fallen in love with Betsy; she’d been the hospital’s Head of Psychiatry when he’d done his residency. Long hours, intense cases at a wartime pace made emotions run high and created an insistent need for release.

Betsy had been there. Ten years older than Lucas, she seemed to want the same things he did. A partnership, and not just on hospital rounds or in bed. A lifetime commitment.

She’d let him down gently, but he could still hear the roaring in his ears as she’d explained that she was accepting a position in another city; she needed a change.

Taking their relationship to Chicago with her wasn’t part of the plan.

It’d been a mistake to get involved with his boss, a mistake he wouldn’t make again. Judging by her lack of interest in him other than the professional, Val didn’t care about their previous attachment. He hoped she was married and completely unavailable. She still used her maiden name, but a lot of married women did. Even if she was single, he was only here for six months. After that he needed to get back to the real world, wherever and whatever he decided that would be.

The deck shifted beneath his feet and the vibration of the motor ceased. As the ferry docked, he turned to walk back to his car, ready to drive onto the tiny island that would be his home and workplace for the next half year.