Tag: Nora Roberts

Holiday Cheer (and some recipes!)

My holiday started with a sparkly bang as I signed alongside Nora Roberts at Turn the Page Bookstore this past Saturday. For all of you who attended, thank you and it was so nice to meet you!

December 5, 2015 Turn the Page Bookstore
December 5, 2015 Turn the Page Bookstore

To continue the sparkle, let’s not forget all of the generous authors who shared their holiday customs and recipes with us last year.  There’s something for everyone. Most of all, please remember to take time for quiet wherever you can get it. I like to brew a cup of tea every few hours or so. It gets me up from the desk and refreshed, ready to rock and roll on the next Silver Valley PD story!


Three More to Go!

I love when live and work dovetail in the least expected ways. This past week I enjoyed a beautiful drive to my hometown of Buffalo, NY, where I took my parents for a day trip to a local vineyard. Eveningside Vineyards is owned by fellow high school alumnus, Randy Biehl. Randy gave us the royal tour of his lovely winery in the midst of  a Western New York autumn. It doesn’t get much better than this! As one of our classmates commented on Facebook, “wine and literature, two favorite things.”

Dream chasers from the same high school
Dream chasers from the same high school

It’s nearing the end of my promo tour this year and the best is yet to come with my next three appearances.  First up, I’ll be signing tomorrow with Heidi Hormel and Karen Rose Smith at the Reader’s Cafe in Hanover PA, then I’ll be signing and speaking at the Las Vegas Readers Festival next Saturday.

I’ll be celebrating a long-held dream when I sign with Nora Roberts at her bookstore in Boonsboro, MD on December 5th. Details on all my appearances are over at my events page. I hope to meet you soon!