Tag: going out for the holidays

Cathy Maxwell is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

New York Times Bestselling Author Cathy Maxwell
New York Times Bestselling Author Cathy Maxwell

A joyful welcome to New York Times Bestselling Author and my Romvet sister Cathy Maxwell. Cathy and I met eons ago, and are delighted to share a common bond in our past lives of Naval Intelligence. And, I happen to love her historical romances.

Cathy, please share–what do you make, bake, create or buy for the holidays?

My natural inclination is not to cook. I have to force myself to do it. I usually start off excited with the project and quickly grow disillusioned. Dragged down, actually. Lost in the bog.

This year, I found a plan in a magazine for cooking the whole holiday meal ahead. It will be like one of those turkeys in a box that grocery stores advertise but it will be of my making–

Cathy's Cookbook Shelf
Cathy’s Cookbook Shelf

Wait! Hold everything! I was going to show a picture of the cover of the magazine with the cook ahead plan, and I can’t find it. I’ve lost it. Okay, now I don’t know what I’ll do for holiday dinner. However, here is a picture of my cookbook shelf (just to let you know I’m not a complete piker, but note how many books have “easy” in the title). I will think of something . . . I hope!
We can always go out (my favorite holiday plan).

Do you have a special military connection, Cathy?

I was active duty USN, my husband was USN, my son was USN, but my daughter copped and went USCG. 🙂

Cathy’s latest is The Groom Says Yes. Details here

Thanks for sharing some of your holiday spirit with us today, Cathy.

Hugs and happy wishes for a loving holiday season! –Cathy

You’ll find Cathy in the usual places:

Website: www.cathymaxwell.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cathy-Maxwell/166883240063709

Twitter:  www.twitter.com/maxwellcathy

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