Tag: cookbooks

Cathy Maxwell is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

New York Times Bestselling Author Cathy Maxwell
New York Times Bestselling Author Cathy Maxwell

A joyful welcome to New York Times Bestselling Author and my Romvet sister Cathy Maxwell. Cathy and I met eons ago, and are delighted to share a common bond in our past lives of Naval Intelligence. And, I happen to love her historical romances.

Cathy, please share–what do you make, bake, create or buy for the holidays?

My natural inclination is not to cook. I have to force myself to do it. I usually start off excited with the project and quickly grow disillusioned. Dragged down, actually. Lost in the bog.

This year, I found a plan in a magazine for cooking the whole holiday meal ahead. It will be like one of those turkeys in a box that grocery stores advertise but it will be of my making–

Cathy's Cookbook Shelf
Cathy’s Cookbook Shelf

Wait! Hold everything! I was going to show a picture of the cover of the magazine with the cook ahead plan, and I can’t find it. I’ve lost it. Okay, now I don’t know what I’ll do for holiday dinner. However, here is a picture of my cookbook shelf (just to let you know I’m not a complete piker, but note how many books have “easy” in the title). I will think of something . . . I hope!
We can always go out (my favorite holiday plan).

Do you have a special military connection, Cathy?

I was active duty USN, my husband was USN, my son was USN, but my daughter copped and went USCG. 🙂

Cathy’s latest is The Groom Says Yes. Details here

Thanks for sharing some of your holiday spirit with us today, Cathy.

Hugs and happy wishes for a loving holiday season! –Cathy

You’ll find Cathy in the usual places:

Website: www.cathymaxwell.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cathy-Maxwell/166883240063709

Twitter:  www.twitter.com/maxwellcathy

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