Tag: Books for the military

Lindsay McKenna is Helping to Send Books to the Military for the Holidays


Navy Vet and Author Lindsay McKenna
Navy Vet and Author Lindsay McKenna

Please join me in welcoming New York Times Bestselling author Lindsay McKenna. Lindsay and I are Romvet sisters–we’ve both served in the U.S. Navy. Along with sister Romvet Delores Fossen, we’re celebrating the release of Coming Home for Christmas, our anthology from Harlequin Books.

Lindsay was a Weather Forecaster, AG3, from 1964-1967. You’ll meet no one more proud of her service than Lindsay. She also happens to be a wonderful writer who is credited with pioneering the military romance genre.

Lindsay and her husband Dave (and their dog Cody) enjoy New Year’s Day in Arizona. One of Lindsay’s favorites is her Pina Colada Cake, which looks like a winner!

Lindsay's Pina Colada CakePina Colada Cake

by Lindsay McKenna

1 box Betty Crocker®SuperMoist®yellow cake mix (I use their white cake but it’s up to you)

1 can (8 oz) crushed pineapple in juice, undrained

1/2 cup water

1/3 cup “light”olive oil

3 eggs

2 teaspoons rum extract

1 container Betty Crocker®Whipped white frosting

1/4 cup flaked coconut, toasted

Combine water, eggs, rum extract and olive oil. Open box of cake mix. Combine. Add pineapple and coconut. Bake per instructions on Betty Crocker cake box mix.

Do you still have a military connection, Lindsay?

I work with Operation Gratitude, a nonprofit charity, that sends boxes overseas to military personnel and donate to them monthly.

You’ll find Lindsay at the usual places. Her photos are worth the extra clicks!




Thank you so much for joining us today, Lindsay, and for helping me to send books to the military for the holidays.

Remember, we are doing this to send holiday love to military families and Active Duty who are away from home for the holidays. Harlequin is donating one book (while supplies last) for every 20 new newsletter subscriptions to the Geri Krotow Newsletter, which gets you free membership into the Geri Krotow Loyal Reader Program. Sign up here.  get the latest Geri Krotow Newsletter, sign up here. 


Julie Miller is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

USA Today Bestselling Author Julie Miller
USA Today Bestselling Author Julie Miller

Please welcome USA Today Bestselling Author Julie Miller to our holiday celebration in support of the military. Julie is a spectacular author who writes edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense. On a personal note, we met when Julie told me she loved my books. It was a jaw-dropping moment for me as I’ve long admired Julie and her stories. We found out we share a military connection, too.

What do you make, bake or create for the holidays?

One of my favorite family holiday traditions are finding or putting together “Ho-Ho” gifts. These are pure fun, and every member of the family gets one. As soon as we get up Christmas morning, we get into our stockings. Then, because of some blood sugar issues in my family, we stop and have some breakfast. But before we dive into all the personalized packages and gifts under the tree, we each open one Ho-Ho gift. We even have dedicated gift bags with our names on them that we reuse year after year. My Mom has usually put these together, but in recent years I’ve become her personal elf and help her brainstorm ideas. So now the both of us are always on the lookout for these special gifts throughout the year.

What’s a Ho-Ho gift? It’s a gift that’s either something funny related specifically to something that person has said or done, or it’s a fun addition to something that person loves or collects. For example, my mom is notorious for burning the potatoes–stove top, in the oven or microwave–it’s a rare talent she has. So one Christmas, I got her an oven timer that has no numbers on it. She keeps it by the stove and calls it her potato timer. Or, my son is a big Star Wars fan, and it’s been fun over the years to find the craziest little knick-knacks and collectibles–like the year we got him a Darth Vader pancake turner for his new apartment. Ho, ho, ho!

Do you have a special military connection?

I’m the daughter of a lifelong Marine–even after Dad retired from the Corps! He served during the Korean Conflict, and in the Reserves for several years afterward. My “baby” brother, a “retired” Marine who served during Desert Storm, went back into the Army National Guard after 9/11, and is now an Army Major, soon to become a Lt. Colonel! So yes, I definitely have military connections, and am very proud of my family.

Julie’s latest is Crossfire Christmas, from Harlequin Intrigue. Check it out here.

Link to some free excerpts.

Connect with Julie at the usual places:

Website: www.juliemiller.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julie.miller.5473894

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Julie-Miller/25063057967?ref=hl

Twitter: @JulieMillerAuth https://twitter.com/JulieMillerAuth

Thank you, Julie, for joining us in supporting the military at the holidays. Remember, you can do your part, too, by signing up for the Geri Krotow Newsletter. My publisher, Harlequin, will donate one book to the military for every 20 new subscribers, while supplies last. Sign up here.

Let's Send Books to the Military for the Holidays!

Shipping Books to Military for the Holidays
Shipping Books to Military for the Holidays

I’m so excited to share my November celebration. A double release deserves double the effort, and I’m proud to announce that my publisher Harlequin has agreed to provide free copies of my two November releases to the military, with a focus on Active Duty and families separated from home for the holidays.  Over two dozen of your favorite romance authors, from just-sold to New York Times Bestsellers, will join me by sharing their favorite Holiday activity. Want some new recipes? A new craft project? A joyful family tradition? This is your stop for all of that starting November 1st.

For every 20 new newsletter subscribers I get from now through November 30, 2014, Harlequin will send 1 book (while supplies last). Harlequin was so eager to support the military with me that they provided caseloads of  books in advance. As you read this, signed copies of Navy Christmas and Navy Joy (the novella in the Coming Home for Christmas anthology with my Romvets sisters Lindsay McKenna and Delores Fossen) have been delivered to Djibouti, Belgium, the U.S., and another box is on the way to Germany. Soldiers, sailors, Marines, Airmen and their families who are feeling the sting of being away from home for the holidays (or have a loved one downrange) will have something a little extra to read this season.

As an additional treat I made special custom bookmarks/ornaments for every book sent. Lucky Geri Krotow Loyal Readers (newsletter subscribers) will automatically be entered to win their own custom bookmark (and maybe a book or two!).

All I need from you is your continued support: make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter and that all of your friends and family are, too. We are all part of something bigger! Sign up for the newsletter here.