Tag: Air Force

Kathleen M. Rodgers is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays


Author Kathleen Rodgers
Author Kathleen M. Rodgers

Please join me in welcoming insightful and talented author Kathleen M. Rodgers to our final installment of the November blog party–all to send books to the military for the holidays. I picked Kathleen to finish our party on the highest note. Kathleen and I have been friends for years, brought together by none other than Debbie Macomber when we both needed a writing friend to lean on. Kathleen is indefatigable in her enthusiasm for life, and a generous friend.

What do you make, bake, create or purchase for the holidays, Kathleen?

Since I’m not known for baking and I’m only crafty with words, I sometimes write holiday themed poems and send them out as Christmas cards. When I was twenty-seven and living at a remote Air Force base near the North Pole, I wrote the following poem with a newborn cradled in my lap and a yellow legal pad absorbing the scribbles of my restless pen. Back then, the days seemed endless and my thoughts came faster than I could catch them. The temperature outside hovered around thirty below zero. Somewhere off in the distance, beyond the Alaska Range, my husband flew his single-seat fighter high above the snow clouds.


ALCAN Highway Circa 1985
ALCAN Highway Circa 1985

The Snow Comes Early In The High Country Of Alaska

The Snow Comes Early

in the high country of Alaska.

The midnight sun

has long since vanished.

The days are now short-lived;

dawn, noon and dusk less than a handful of hours.

The birch are stripped naked;

their chocolate chip trunks

sticking out of the snow.

The hills of Tanana Valley

are like mounds of flour dumped on the floor

from an opened sack.

And we are the inhabitants

in this whitewashed land,

where sixty degrees below zero

can kill even the strongest of men.

But we are risk takers!

Riding the open road of the military…

a journey we often complain of,

but a dream voyage for others

fenced in by fate.

So let us be thankful

when winter sets in,

that we are here, at the top of the world-

Closer to our Maker,

when the snow comes early

in the high country of Alaska.

© Kathleen M. Rodgers   — Alaska 1985


Do you have a military connection, Kathleen?

My husband flew fighters for twenty years for the Air Force. Our youngest son is a 1st lieutenant in the United States Army, and he recently earned a Bronze Star during his deployment to Afghanistan.

Kathleen’s The Final Salute has been featured in USA Today and won a Silver Medal for fiction from Military Writers Society of America. Check it out here.

Kathleen’s  second novel, Johnnie Come Lately, releases from Camel Press in February 2015. Check it out here.

Thanks for joining us today, Kathleen!

 Find Kathleen in the usual places:

Website: http://www.kathleenmrodgers.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KathleenMRodgersAuthor

Twitter: @KathleenMRodger

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2742306.Kathleen_M_Rodgers

Remember, you can do your part in supporting the military for the holidays. Harlequin will send one book for every 20 new subscribers to the Geri Krotow Newsletter. Sign up here. 

Ann DeFee is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

Author Ann DeFee
Author Ann DeFee

Please join me in welcoming award-winning author Ann DeFee to our holiday party. Ann and I met  in the Pacific Northwest at a conference many years ago. Ann gives us a peek at her family’s experiences when they lived overseas and had an English Christmas.

What do you make, bake, create or purchase for the holidays, Ann?

As an Air Force family, we’ve had our share of “interesting” Christmas celebrations. One I particularly remember was our first Christmas in England. Let me give you a little back story on this tale. We moved to RAF Lakenheath in August, and finding housing at that time of the year, in a very rural area proved to be an adventure. Too big, too little, too far out in the country, too haunted.   As a last resort, we rented the gate house to a manor owned by a Lord and Lady–related to the queen and yes, I’m talking about that queen. It was bucolic, it was quaint, and it was like living in Barbie’s Dream House–everything was miniature, from the doors, to the rooms, to the kitchen. I kid you not, it was tiny, tiny, tiny, and to make matters worse, it was heated by a coal stove and a couple of portable propane heaters. Lord, I wanted a thermostat. I fantasized about a thermostat, instead I shoveled coal. Then along came Christmas. I moved furniture to make room for a very small tree. But I had forgotten about Christmas lights and the difference between 110 and 220. One by one, the lights met an untimely death. By that time the BX had completely sold out of anything resembling Christmas. On the morning of the 25th, we one tiny light. That was okay, but did I mention that our oven was the size of an Easy Bake oven? A turkey? Are you kidding–a small Cornish game hen was a stretch. As for a cookie sheet–no way. So I fell back on a goodie that our family loves–caramel corn. It’s hard to think of Christmas without remembering Cracker Jacks and the Gate House. Regardless of the time, place or situation, military families are incredibly flexible.   We celebrate our faith, our family and our friends.

An English Christmas Cracker Jacks recipe
1 gallon popped corn
1 cup brown sugar
1 stick butter
1/4 cup white syrup (Karo)
1/2 tsp baking soda
dash salt
Combine sugar, butter and syrup – cook 4 minutes. Stir in soda and salt. Pour mixture on popcorn, coating every kernel
Bake on cookie sheet at 200 degrees for 1 hour. Cool and break apart. Careful–it’s totally addictive!

Check out the great excerpt Ann’s giving us from A Hot Time In Texas here.

Thanks for stopping by today, Ann!

Find Ann at the usual places:

Website: www.ann-defee.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AnnDeFeeAuthor
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AnnDeFee

Remember, you can do your part in supporting the military for the holidays. Harlequin will send one book for every 20 new subscribers to the Geri Krotow Newsletter. Sign up here.

Kim Adams is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

Christmas Hawaii Style
Christmas Hawaii Style

Today we welcome Romance Blogger, US Air Force veteran and Air Force Spouse Kim Adams to our holiday celebration. Kim and I met through Romvets, and struck up a fast comaraderie as we were both military spouse moving every few years.  Kim is one of the most generous souls I know, and she matches her goodwill with action. Kim supports the military in so many ways, but is perhaps most recognized for her SOS (Support Our Soldiers, Sailors and Marines) efforts at the annual Romantic Times Book Lovers Conventions.

What do you make, bake, create or purchase for the holidays, Kim?

I am the best gift wrapper in my family. When we lived on base, I volunteered to wrap gifts at the BX to raise funds for the Boy Scouts. I’ve wrapped everything. But now I use gift bags! Last year, we moved from Hawaii to Maryland, so almost everyone, from friends to teachers, received Hawaiian gifts from a stash I moved in my household goods. That stash is now exhausted so I will giveaway gift cards to teachers. For friends who already have everything, we are making a donation on their behalf to military charities such as the Wounded Warrior Project.

Kim, do you have a military connection?

Smiling Santa in Paradise
Smiling Santa in Paradise

I am an AF veteran of 12 years and an AF spouse for 18 years! My husband is retiring next year and our oldest son will be heading off to college. So it will be a double transition to civilian life and one less child at home. We enjoy Maryland but my heart is still in Hawaii. Mahalo.

Thanks for joining us, Kim!

Kim can be found on her blog and Facebook:

SOS Aloha Book Blog, sosaloha.blogspot.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SosAlohaBookBlog?ref=hl  and https://www.facebook.com/sos.aloha?fref=ts

Remember, you can do your part in supporting the military for the holidays. Harlequin will send one book for every new subscriber the Geri Krotow Newsletter gets. Sign up here.

Catherine Mann is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

USA Today Bestselling Author Catherine Mann
USA Today Bestselling Author Catherine Mann

Please join me in welcoming USA Today Bestselling Author and Rita-Award Winner Catherine Mann to our holiday promo to support the military. Catherine is an exceptional writer of military heroes and she should know–she married one! Another special cause that Catherine supports is animal rescue.

What do you like to make, bake or create for the holidays?

We have a large family with diverse schedules, so there’s no telling when the holiday meal will actually happen. So our meals tend to include simple, old home cooking dishes, nothing too delicate that it can’t survive an extra hour or two in the over or crockpot. My family’s favorite recipe is actually crock pot macaroni and cheese.

Crock Pot Macaroni and Cheese
8 ounce box macaroni – par boiled
2 1/2 cups sharp cheddar cheese grated cheese
2 eggs beaten
1 cup sour cream
2 Tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon salt

Drain parboiled noodles. Place in greased crockpot. Dot top with butter. Mix beaten eggs, sour cream, 1 cup milk, salt. Pour over noodles. Stir in all cheese (reserving 1/2 cup). Pour milk until noodles are covered. Place remaining cheese on top. Cook on low for 3 hours or high for 90 minutes. Yum!!!

Do you have a special military connection?

My husband served for 22 years in the Air Force as an aviator/tester.
My son-in-law is in the Army
My brother-in-law is an Army chaplain.

Catherine’s latest release is SHELTER ME, “Second Chance Ranch” book 1, from Berkley Sensation, August 2014.
Read an excerpt here.

You can connect with Catherine in the usual ways:
Website: http://www.catherinemann.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CatherineMannAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/catherinemann1
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/catherinemann/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/93454.Catherine_Mann

Thank you so much for joining us, Catherine, and for your support in sending books to the military for the holidays.

You can do your part, too, by signing up for the Geri Krotow Newsletter here. Remember, for every 20 new Geri Krotow Loyal Reader subscriptions, Harlequin has committed to send a book to the military (while supplies last).

Delores Fossen is Helping Send Books to the Military for the Holidays

Author and Air Force Veteran Delores Fossen
Author and Air Force Veteran Delores Fossen

Please join me in welcoming Delores Fossen to our Holiday celebration. Delores is a sister Romvet with me, as she is an Air Force Veteran. Delores and I along with Lindsay McKenna are in the holiday anthology Coming Home for Christmas from Harlequin Books.

What do you make, bake or create for the holidays, Delores?

I make lots of cookies and candies for Christmas, but pralines are a family favorite. Here’s the recipe I’ve been using for more than 30 years:

Mix 1 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 cup of white sugar, 1/2 cup cream and 4 tablespoons of butter in a heavy saucepan. Stir constantly over medium heat until candy reaches the “softball stage” (240 degrees F). Remove from heat, add 1 cup of pecan halves and stir until candy thickens. Using a spoon, drop the candies onto wax paper to cool.

Do you have a military connection?

I’m a former Air Force Captain, and my husband served in the Air Force for 28 years. Our son continued the family tradition when he was commissioned in the Air Force after graduating from college.

Delores’s most recent release is Cowboy Behind the Badge and you can check it out here.

Delores can be found at her website and Facebook, links below.


Thank you so much for joining us today, Delores, and supporting my efforts to send books to the military for the holidays.

Remember–every new Geri Krotow Loyal Reader adds up to more books for our military! Sign up here.