May Book Sunshine

May 2, 2024

Are you a Kindle Unlimited reader? Then I have great news for you! My Shop ‘Round the World series (yes, the entire series!) is available on Kindle Unlimited for the entire month of May! Order the entire series now.  So if you’ve been waiting for the right time to visit Stonebridge, Pennsylvania and see it through the eyes of Angel Warren, retired Navy Pilot and most unintentional–but highly capable–sleuth, now is your chance. Not a KU subscriber? Well, that’s okay, too, because book one,  A Santa Stabbing, is discounted! Order now.

Already read and enjoyed A Santa Stabbing? Then it’s time for books 2 and 3 in the series, A Mid-Summer Murder and A Wasp in the Woods. Order them both with KU here.

Are you anywhere near Pittsburgh, PA? I’m delighted to be one of the featured authors at the Pittsburgh Festival of Books on May 11th. I’ll be on a cozy mystery panel with Abby Collettte aka Abby L. Vandiver, and V.M. Burns. It promises to be chock full of laughs and mystery!

I have so much book news  and events to share in 2024, and if you’re signed up for my newsletter you’ll hear about all of it before the general public. Need more cajoling to add another email to your inbox? Here’s an incentive: I will be soon announcing some very special book news that many of you have been asking about. As in, more of the kinds of stories that you’ve loved most over the years from me.  Have I convinced you yet? Sign up here.

Stay tuned for more book news soon, and until then, make the most of today. It’s all we have, and it’s a gift. 🙂



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